What Is WordPress?
WordPress also known as WP is one of the most highest growing content management system for creating dynamic website. It is very popular now a days. You can create business, corporate, e-commerce, social community, charity and many others website using WP. There is a huge numbers of free resources like as theme, plugins which made it possible to create and manage eye catching, responsive dynamic website. WordPress has a big community of developers who are working to make it more update and add more features.
Why It Is Important To Change WordPress Default Login Url?
As the usage of WP for creating website is growing significantly so it’s security has become a concern now a days. It has become a challenge to protect your valuable website from hacker. As WordPress has some default parameters which hacker may easily predict it and attack your website. One of them is the default login URL and admin panel URL. By default the parameter for login URL & admin panel URL is same for all WP websites. So it is very important to change the default login URL and admin panel URL parameters. It is very easy and simple. Today I will show you How To Change WordPress Default Login Url.
How To Change WordPress Default Login Url?
How much the importance of changing WP login and admin URL is I have already demonstrated. Now I will show how to complete this job. Follow the below steps.
#Step 1
First login to your WordPress website and click Plugins>>Add New
#Step 2
Now in the top right corner there is a search box. Type “WPS Hide” and wait 2-3 seconds. Now click install button beside “WPS Hide Login” plugins showed in the figure below. Now activate this plugins. That’s all.
#Step 3
Now if you try to access your website using default login URL then it will redirect to “404 Not Found” page. You have to add /login in the login parameter. In my case my old login URL was “https://cswise.com/wp-login.php” which will not work anymore.
My new login URL is “https://cswise.com/login”. You can also change it. I will also show.
#Step 4
You can also change this URL as your wish “https://cswise.com/login”. Just login to your website admin panel and go to Settings>>General. Then scroll below. You should find a textbox named “Login url”. Put the value as your wish which will reform your default login and admin URL.
If you need any help/query regarding web development, web analytics, digital marketing, e-commerce, web security, consultancy do not hesitate to contact me. You can also hire me to perform your IT task. Just send me message on “WhatsApp”.
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