5 Essential Plugins For Wordpress 2021

5 Essential Plugins For WordPress 2021

What is WordPress?

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems in the world. It was released in 2003 when was used only for creating blog websites. There was a little number of users then. Now the number of users are increasing day by day. Also wordpress is not limited to create blog sites now. You can create any websites like e-commerce, news portal, magazine, corporate websites and more. The are two version of wordpress. One is wordpress hosted another is self hosted. You can do more with self hosted wordpress by adding themes and plugins.

Currently wordpress powers more than 40% of website in the worlds. The main features of this cms software are simplicity, flexibility, easy publishing tools, user management, standard compliance, easy theme system, extend with plugins, search engine optimized, easy installation and upgrades, importers, own your data, freedom, community, contribute and more.

What is Plugins?

Plugins is a piece of code or scripts that extends the features of your wordpress websites. Today I will discuss about five essential plugins that will enrich your website. You can simply add a plugins by navigating to Plugins>Add new.

#1 Contact Form 7

Contact form 7 is a plugins that will able to provide multiple contact forms in your websites. The current number of active installation of this plugins is more than 5 million. You can easily add eye catching contact form with this plugins. This plugins is totally free. You have the freedom to customize as your preference.

#2 Wordfence Security

Wordfence Security is the most popular firewall and malware scanner plugins. More than 4 million users are using this plugins for adding extra security to their websites. The basic version of this plugins is free. The main features are

  • Identify malicious traffic
  • Block malicious traffic
  • Block malicious code and content
  • Protect from brute force attack and more.

 #3 Yoast Seo

Yoast Seo is known as number one seo plugins for wordpress website. More than 5 million user are using this plugins for seo. The plugins was published on 2008. Since then it is helping it’s users to rank their website in search engine. The most useful features of the free version of this plugins are

  • Automated Technical Seo Improvements
  • Advanced XML site maps
  • Title & Meta Description templating

#4 Simple Google reCAPTCHA

Simple Google reCAPTCHA is a plugins that secure your website. It will help to integrate google reCAPTCHA in your website. You can add reCAPTCHA in login, registration, password form and comment forms for stop spammers and brute force. User have the choice between V2 checkbox and V3 checkbox. You will find more about this plugins here.

#5 Really Simple SSL

Really Simple SSL is the most simple plugins which handles the https or ssl of your website. About more than 5 million users are using this plugins for their websites. This plugins manages all https redirection issues. It is very easy to use. With just few clicks you can enable ssl in your wordpress website. This plugins is also free for basic usage.

If you face any problem don’t forget to share your experience in the comment section below.

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