How to Create a WordPress Website for Free with Free Hosting & Domain

How to Create a WordPress Website for Free with Free Hosting & Domain

Are you thinking about the difference between free and paid hosting/domain WordPress websites?

I have explained in my previous article about paid WordPress website that costs are $35 per year, and you can make 6 digits income in a year by your spent $35.

Anyhow, if you want to make SIX digits income by spending zero pence, you can do it.

I will have 2 major parts with sub-steps each for a free hosting WordPress website by which you will get a website, exactly like a paid website, after executing all the steps with my given sequence.

Part #1 Launch your WordPress Website

In order to launch a free WordPress website, I am going to explain sub-steps, so follow them one by one;

Step #1 Make an Account on Profreehost

Register to Profreehost and fill up these details.

free web hosting

After completing this step, you have to go to the second step to create a free domain for your website.

Step #2 Get Your Free Domain

The domain is the name of your website by which you and your website visitors find your website and act.

To create a new domain, click Create New Account and enter the name for your website that you like. You can change the second part of your website name by choosing the second drop-down name.

create free hosting

If they show the availability of your website name, you will click this button.

Now, you will see you have got a free domain.

Let’s go to the third step.

Step #3 Install WordPress on Your Free Domain

WordPress is an already created template that we use to make a website without any coding and programming.

So, to install WordPress, follow the steps one by one.

Keep in mind! You have to wait for a while after creating the domain.

After that perform this;

  1. Click on the Manage button
  2. Then click on Control Panel (Note: If you see an error like this, follow the screenshot and proceed.)
  3. Now, scroll down and select App installer
  4. You will see this page, hover WordPress and click on install
  5. Choose a Username and Password
  6. Once you enter these details, click install

Manage Button

install wordpress on free hosting

Control Panel

free hosting control panel

(Note: If you see an error like this, follow the screenshot and proceed.)

safety error

App Installer

app installer

Install WordPress

install wordpress

Username & Password

install wordpress

After that scroll down and click “Install”. It will take a few minutes and will ready a website for you.

Congratulations! Your WordPress website has been installed successfully. You can see the link for your website which means it is live on the internet.

So, we have created your website successfully. Now, go towards the second part.


Part #2 Build Your WordPress Website

I have divided part 2 into three steps

  1. log in to your website
  2. Choose a design for your website
  3. How to edit the content of your WordPress website.


Step #1 Login to Your Website

In order to login to your website, type your website link like;

For example, it is your website link


Then type wp-admin after your website link like this;


After that, you are on the login page of your website. Just fill up this form with the username and password that you have selected.


Step #2 Choose a Design for Your Website

Instead of creating a website from a programmer who designs your website by CSS means coding, you can choose a design here by using a theme that you like.

There are many themes available, but I will recommend you, Astra. It shows your website as beautiful, and professional.

So, to install Astra theme or any other, follow the steps one by one;

  • Go to “Appearance” and click “Themes”
  • Click “Add New Theme” and select one of these you like
  • To install the Astra theme, search for Astra in the search bar
  • Now click install and then Activate.
  • To choose a design in Astra. Click “Get Started” and Choose Elementor
  • Now, there are several themes designs in front of you. Just select and click on “Import Complete website” and then Import.
  • Now, you will see entire the design has been applied to your website. Just click “View Site”

You have successfully landed on your website.

Let’s go toward the third step;

Step #3 How to Edit the Content of Your WordPress Website

To convert your website dummy text into your blog or business text, you can easily edit it by using Elementor.

How to use Elementor?

Check it here

Now, go to the page that you want to edit and click on “Edit with Elementor”. After that, you will be allowed to change the text on your will.

Final thoughts

It was a tutorial from scratch to design your website.

So, go ahead and follow the whole article step by step and get a free professional and beautiful WordPress website for your brand, business, and writing articles to make money easily and efficiently.

Note: In order to make a free WordPress website, a Free hosting provider doesn’t guarantee the free hosting to work for a lifetime. It can be damaged anytime.


  1. I am a writer and want to make a blog with a free WordPress website. I got great content here. I follow this step by step and got a professional looking website without spending a penny..
    Thank you

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